Teenage and Rescue Dog Classes

As your dog matures, maintaining their socialisation in a controlled and appropriate setting remains crucial. The Teenage and Rescue Dog Classes offered by Puppy to Dog School is tailored specifically for dogs that have outgrown the puppy stage or may not have received early training. This course is perfect for addressing and correcting new behaviors that emerge during the teenage years, which could become problematic if not managed properly.

Building Obedience and Trust
For owners looking to instill general obedience or for those whose dogs need foundational training, this class is designed to help. It’s an excellent fit for teenage dogs that missed initial training opportunities and rescue dogs that might struggle with anxiety or trust issues due to their past experiences. Our classes provide a supportive environment where your dog can learn to follow simple commands and become a well-adjusted family member.

Class Details and Requirements
When: Tuesday evenings, 7:40 pm - 8:40 pm
Where: Castle Hill Showground
Duration: 4 consecutive weeks
Vaccination: Dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations to participate.

Important Considerations
Please note that this course is not intended for dogs that are reactive, anxious, or exhibit aggressive behaviors. For these dogs, we recommend contacting us directly to arrange 1:1 personalised in-home training tailored to meet their specific needs and ensure a positive outcome for both the dog and the owner.